Recharge done But not reflecting in RWallent Balance - UTS APP
Complain ID : JGJN031636 41
- State : Maharashtra
- City : Akkalkot
- Address: Mumbai
The amount has not been credited to my Rwallet of UTS app.
Also, the amount has not been refunded to my Account.
It has crossed 48 hrs. Why there is so much delay?
Its an online transaction which happens within few minutes. Could not understand the reason for 15 days taken to refund the amount to my account.
People use the app for there convenience so that they should not wait in line being in hurry. The purpose is not solved for me using this app. As I had to buy a ticket and now have to do continuous follow up for having the amount refunded in my account.
Has UTS given me a convenience of using it for what it is meant for?
For 205 Rs. shall i keep following up for 20+ days?
Need refund on an immediate basis as its an online transaction it happens within minutes.
Neither the amount is in Rwallet and neither in my A/C balance? Then where it is?
Who is using it?
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