Systemic Fraud, Zerodha headed by Nitin Kamath is the largest stockbroker company in India.

Complain ID : JGJN027858   59  

Stock Market Complaint  Complaint Date : July 11, 2017
Zerodha headed by Nitin Kamath is the largest stockbroker company in India. The major revenue for the company comes in the form of day-trading with options and futures. In lay man's terms this speculative trading is nothing but gambling. while state govts have toiled hard and made a huge politics and money through lottery and cricket betting the sensex and nifty indices are betting for corporates banks and politicians. These stockbroking companies are tools to SEBI block their customer support, send sms that market is clogged, SEBI is not sending feeds etc in heavy market manipulation days, if anyone suffers losses there is no compensation. Everything comes under blanket heading of risk!

The consumer when applies for a mutual fund ( which is trending in ads nowadays ) is handing over his/her money to these speculators to gamble on share markets.

Most developed countries markets dont allow this for preventing fraud and share market manipulation. The usual way is to keep govt non-corrupt , issue govt bonds with high yield attracting high investment and reduce interest rates for both deposit and lending as monetary policy. pension and healthcare and priority fields.

But in India this is exactly opposite. A few billionaires at the top run the show. They are giving freebies without any accountability. Today a (intentional?) technical glitch has caused a major manipulation of stock markets. This can be seen as a handiwork for promoting GST and increasing investments and building image using the SEBI Loopholes which are not taking care of from years. A few people have already become millionaires within a day. There is no systemic attention or priority to healthcare or pension apart from very ineffective LIC and heavy premium health insurances. 5-star corporate education and hospitals are booming like tourist centers with their funds growing in such tax havens and hedge fraud funds!

SEBI has not looked into the frauds and special incentives given to top billionaires from years of 2G specturm and singapore exchange rigging during previous government era of liberalization

1.Flash Crashing and Spoofing
2.Early login and Dark Fiber
3.Wire Fraud

From these loopholes the options and futures speculative gambling become easier and with early login they get clues of how to trade further profits. The common man remains poor with depreciated currency and high interest rates and heavy inflation.

Now comes to minister Arun Jaitley. Today petrol comes at a price of $44.50 per barrel (was lower before). Roughly with all refining , trransport duty processes tax GST etc it should be given to customers at Rs 45-50 (as of today) . But from years (from when oil price have fallen) it is hovering above 70-75!
Secondly they want to cut subsidy of lower middle class to provide gas for poor. How did billionaires earn so much to offer freebies for an year. who is pocketing petrol subsidy ?

Now come to original complaint of stock markets. Minister is not taking any steps against SEBI which is allowing such heavy frauds day in and day out. His policitical affiliation is part of cricket betting, stocks and shares and the opaque political funding. This can be easily verified when stock markets NSE/BSE went up on two occasions ( March/April and May) when elections of UP and MCD Delhi happened with victory to party. During these months apart from ad-hoc IPO release there was not a single huge investment or FDI flow. Infact IT was down with VISA issues, CEOs dropped their unscrutinized variable pays. But still tax holiday continues ! THe markets were pulled down without any stimulus entirely by IT and Banks and pulled up exactly when elections were won!

Look at GST. Products dated pre-GST are not being sold in the market because of new tax slabs forced upon old stocks! No where is world it works like this. Even everyday necessities like water and medicines are out of stock today!
Be it oil, share market or GST the whole system of government is committing fraud using corporates. Only their losses are eligible for compensation and there are no rules for consumer losses.
I am claiming bounty for whistleblowing and fixing system.
I am attaching a symbolic option trading chart(in March) which was pulled down for pulling up during elections, wherein anyone who had invested money on a day would double it next day through put gambling of NIFTY.
Complaint Against / To: SEBI Zerodha Nithin Kamath Arun Jaitley

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