payment मिळणे बाबतswapnil balu ghevade / Contractor Complaint / March 16, 2022 / Chakan / Maharashtraमाझे नाव स्वप्निल बाळू घेवडे. मी पुणे चाकण मध्ये काम करतो. माझ्या वैयक्तिक अडचणीमुळे मी काम सोडले असता माझा contractor मला payment देत नाही असा बोलत आहे. काम सोडल्यावर 10 days कपात karen अस बोलले होते. आता payment देणारच नाही असं बोलत आहेत मला न्याय ...
Complaint against Vicky Collection, Chakan, PuneNitin Inkane / Consumer Complaint / July 21, 2021 / Chakan / MaharashtraThe shop owner refused to refund paid amount upon returning the raincoat as it was not fitting. He didn't not give me bill also. There was no communication that the amount won't be refunded if I return it. He also talked arrogantly & misbehaved. ...
Refund amount not credited sbi accountVRUSHALI VIDHATE / Online Fraud Complaint / October 10, 2017 / Chakan / Maharashtrawe ordered saree two items on 20 th july 2017... order received but bad conditin there only one saree not two and counr is fade it refunded by courier to lt fab but they are aviodiing to refund amout 2948/- i have given my bank deatils not amou...
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